
Beef Chilli Dry

Sharing with you guys the simplest recipe of its own kind. Its very easy to make and taste as good as it seems like.. Its a Basically 3 ingredient dish lol... But I also added a few  my innovations to it and it turned out to be just yummy.. You can add more innovations into in by mixing it with a salad.. Or serve with noodles. We preferred to have it with tortillas..  P.S 1: Please remember that it's a zero oil recipe .. So don't add a single drop of oil shocking Right ?  I was too .... But trust me the results are more shocking .. Meat will be cooked on a low flame and will evaporate its own water and will become tender and moist..   P.S 2: Also don't add water let the meat cook in it's own steam on a low flame.. The water will change the flavour and texture. P.S 3: Try this it out with other meats and your innovations as well and share your feedback..  Ingredients .  1- Beef Boneless Cubes without fat (about 1/2 inches) 2- Red Chilli Flakes (1 tbsp or as per taste)

Overcoming Fear

What causes Fear to Our Mind & Body ... Fear can called a by product of acute stress and anxiety. We can break fear into two branches i.e: emotional and physical. Emotional fear lies in the heart that connect you to some memory or something you never want to happen in future and that fear constantly keeps pinching you in the heart and wont let you taste you the present by keep reminding that what if something happens.. however physical fears are often called phobias, traumas that lies in the brain that you fear. Like aerophobia (fear of flights), claustrophobia (fear of closed places), zoophobia (fear of animals).  The best way to tackle these situation is to make yourself understand that "it will pass" and "its just a thought" "that is making me worry about nothing"  and last but not the least "I must live in PRESENT neither in oast nor in future"  There are also many exercises to help us go through it quite well ..  

Losing A Loved one

This feeling is beyond expression, and writing about this breaks my heart. Its the feeling that no one ever wants to think about, A Loved one could be any human/pet dear to your heart, to whom you feel a spiritual bond with. When they leave this temporary world, they take a piece of your heart and soul with you. You never stay the same as you were in their presence.  Death is real, but the fear of losing a loved one is more fatal, as it continuously eats you from inside,  you can clearly see that person/pet dying bit by bit and there is nothing in your hand, Time is running as fast as it can, But neither you can ease their pain nor can you stop the time to make them stay for longer with you.  How Helpless a man is ... You are already under a mountain of debits but still cant beat the death hovering over..  And finally the moment comes when all your fears come face to face to you in reality, the fear you were living for years is standing in front of as whole reality, you are in a comple

Benefits of Black Seeds

Nature has already given the solution for every problem before sending it to the earth, Only if we tend to believe its efficacy. There is nothing impossible as its suggests I M POSSIBLE.  Today we are discussing the miraculous benefits of Black Seeds commonly known as Nigella Seeds (Kalonji). Nature has placed antiviral, anti fungal, anti bacterial properties in these tiny seeds. But first let me quote this Hadith from the last Prophet of Islam (PBUH):   Hazrat Abu Hurairah States – “ I have heard from Rasool Allah (Pbuh) that there is cure for every disease in black seeds except death and black seeds are shooneez.”     There are many examples we know were just a myth or a hack in the history that later on backed by science. The more greatness of these seeds are also yet to be discovered medically.  However a few were observed.  Talking about the medical benefits of Black Seeds Includes: 1-It helps to maintain a healthy diabetic routine. 2-It helps to lower to blood pressure with

Winter Hacks that are cuter than kittens 💕

As the change in climate is taking a drastic turn around the globe and so, our winters are just around the corner we can expect it to be more powerful than before. So, before winter approaches and hits us bad we must take OTC preventions beforehand. Here is a detailed list of Do’s and Dont’s for this winter to get yourself more fit and healthy to enjoy nature’s beautiful gift to the core. We’ll also discuss some of the most common problems we face during this season that spoils the mood and aggravate into something big if left unattended. Before we move towards our topic, I would appreciate it if you please give a little feedback about how this blog helped you in surviving these winters or at least you gained a bit of knowledge. This would help me bring better material and content for you guys. Also if you want me something to write about...  YOUR IDEAS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. So let's just start. Common problems we face during Winters   As discussed earlier, these are t

Essential Hajj tips

First of all... Heartiest congratulations to you, on being the chosen one. As you are reading this, I pray it means that you have been selected by your Lord to visit the purest place on earth very soon or later and so you are preparing in advance.  Only a handful of the lucky ones among the universe get the chance to visit the purest places on earth. So, I would love to share some of my experiences during Hajj 2018. As we all have heard from our childhood stories that either young or old, Hajj is toughest for all. Before experiencing it by myself every individual I met, in every gathering, be it a family member or a training session, told us about the toughness of Hajj. But that isn't the case my dear brothers and sisters; I would say it is the simplest thing that could ever happen to me.   I have seen people of ages 100+ walking with full spirits without supports, in fact, motivating the tired young people. Here are a few quick tips 1-Please do remember you will be there f

Sleep Deprivation

Lack of Sleep might be Harming us beyond Imagination... A wrong practice that must be changed before facing any irreparable loss...  What lack of sleep does to our bodies? Do we really sleep well? These are questions we need to ask ourselves for a healthy life. It is recommended to ha 7-9 hrs sound sleep for most adults ages 16 to 65. Noticeable signs of sleep deprivation include: excessive sleepiness daytime fatigue lethargy irritability yawning We often notice that the night we work late we wake up not so fresh, we feel numb, grumpy, and foggy. We face difficulties to remember recent events, face swollen-up, and puffy eyes. Even the power nap doesn't cover up the good night sleep deprivation. But this does not stop here the fatigue, numbness, tiredness all these things along with others just build up in our bodies and become great trouble for us. The most common types of sleep disorders we tend to get are as under: Also, To diagnose these conditions, your doctor ma

What wikipedia can't tell you about kindness

The World Needs Kindness and Love as a life saving drugs Yes, you read it right. We as a resident of this mortal world need to spread kindness, humility, love to everyone we interact with because we would never know what a great deal of impact our words might have on someone's soul already going through something tough. But here I am talking about spreading kindness for our own selves. Let things go, detach yourself with years of negativity and torture. Every one of us is going through some rough trials. Since life is not perfect, we can’t be irritating all the time and emitting negative vibrations to other people around us. We don’t realize the mood swings we emit, have a chain effect on others in our surroundings that, however, continues somewhere sometime to someone. But if we confront our life outbreaks as challenges, many of us might happily conquer their fight and also encourage others to regain their kingdom. In our society, we face many types of inadequacy in kindne

Living without cooking gas

We often disregard people or things while we have them. But their value is acknowledged when they are gone. Before moving forward let me give you a better view of the scenario. A significant number of Pakistani people depends on Natural Gas that has a direct connection to our stoves and baking ovens.  However, all good things don't come free we have to pay a nominal charge for that. That was a super quick and brief intro for the ones who don't know how natural gas w orks. On Friday, 18 Jan 2019 I experienced one of the same kind of incident. Though it frequently came into my notice that the cooking gas goes off in many areas during winters due to massive use of gas heaters, geysers, and of course cooking.  The lunch was getting prepared and all of a sudden boom! My mum asked me to check whether the stove is working or not as it was only a couple of months old.  Life just came to a standstill. Food remained half-cooked geysers went off. Thanks to the online food delive

5 super brain boosters you can find in your kitchen

Mother Nature has left no stone unturned to provide us the superfoods that could keep our brains super active and boost our brain health to another level.  Our brains are the powerhouse of our bodies and imagine when the power goes off for a while the whole system goes paralyzed for that point of time. If we don't care about our brain health today, we are inviting many diseases like Alzheimer's, dementia Parkinson's,  stroke, and several different types of cancer for the future.  So invest today in a better eating habit to avoid spending in heavy treatments for the future.  We all deteriorate as time passes by. So we can slow it down by taking the right nutrition for the brain to delay the degenerative process and to get a more active and healthy brain as the age advances.  Here is a list of brain-boosting superfoods found in your kitchen  1- Extra Virgin Olive Oil  It protects memory and increases the learning capability. It has many brain defending antioxidan

Great Minds Drink Alike

Are you addicted to fizzy drinks? Here's what you need to know what it does to our body. We grew up hearing that fizzy drinks destroy our health. But the teens today are living on these drinks. According to the UK Cancer Research: "British teens drinks about a bathtub of sugary drinks per year." Drinks generally have two main ingredients that have an addictive impact. Let us get a  closer look to examine the contents that make us addicted to it. High Sugar Content High sugar content is the key ingredient to get you addicted to it. One simple container of a bubbly beverage like cola containing 12 oz contains 33 grams of added sugar. Rats given high dosages of sugar in their diets revealed changes in the brain similar to those produced by cocaine, morphine, and nicotine, according to Bart Hoebel, a neuroscientist from Princeton University in the U.S The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends the maximum amount of added sugars we should consume i

The Big thing about Cupping and its Magic

Ancient people used cupping (hijamah) to get healed, other than this therapy they also used fire and leech treatments. However, the other two are now obsolete, Yet cupping has again emerged as a natural healing cure in recent years. Cupping is an alternative medicine for many people and comparatively painless than surgeries. We often face deadly diseases and pains due to toxic blood blockage that is unable to reach the right part of our body. Here cupping comes to rescue us by excreting poisonous blood out of the body smoothly in a very painless way. In Arabic, cupping is famous as Hijama which means sucking. It is the method of applying cups to various focuses on the body by eliminating the air inside the containers to build a vacuum inside. A handy vacuum is attached to the cups at a predefined point. Slight incisions are made to eliminate the least volume of poisonous blood out of the body.  The suction given by cupping can help reduce high blood pressure &


Reading Time: 3 mins  As much as we love winter so do, we hate the cold it brings. The onset of winter generally involves the growth of bacterial and viral infections that may further cause allergies and congestion. So, in order to combat with the ailments that winters bring to us, we grab a handful of medication in advance, which results in undermining our immunity. Winter is setting in, we would need foods that warm us up and boost our immunity. In order to cherish winters to its whole and to boost our immune system, we must turn towards healthy and organic products before our defense mechanism weakens. Here are a few ways by which we can avail the goodness of a healthy body and enjoy the winters at its best. 1.    Staying hydrated Since everyone understands the importance of staying hydrated in summers, but we don’t realize that drinking an adequate amount of fluids in winters is also very important, even if we don’t feel the urge to drink, our bod

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