Benefits of Black Seeds

Nature has already given the solution for every problem before sending it to the earth, Only if we tend to believe its efficacy. There is nothing impossible as its suggests I M POSSIBLE. 

Today we are discussing the miraculous benefits of Black Seeds commonly known as Nigella Seeds (Kalonji). Nature has placed antiviral, anti fungal, anti bacterial properties in these tiny seeds.

But first let me quote this Hadith from the last Prophet of Islam (PBUH):  Hazrat Abu Hurairah States – “I have heard from Rasool Allah (Pbuh) that there is cure for every disease in black seeds except death and black seeds are shooneez.”   

There are many examples we know were just a myth or a hack in the history that later on backed by science. The more greatness of these seeds are also yet to be discovered medically.  However a few were observed. 

Talking about the medical benefits of Black Seeds Includes:
1-It helps to maintain a healthy diabetic routine.
2-It helps to lower to blood pressure with mild hypertension. 
3- It makes your respiratory system clear. 
4-It helps with constipation, by easing bowl movement.
5-It works as a Immune Booster because of its anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties. 
6- Studies have shown its working against cancer development. 
7-It also controls the electrical activity in the brain resulting seizures. 
8- Its oil has a great effect on hair health. 
9- mixing it in the gives a unique taste to the food. 
How to consume it? 
Most of the people like to have it raw before breakfast, while others prefer it to mix it in their curries to get the aroma and benefits both at the same time. 

In Short consuming it our daily lives in general, without being attacked by a virus or getting any disease is the best possible way to stay healthy and fit. 

Now I am not warding off all other measures that one should carry like frequent medical checkups to keep a good record on health, eating health and rich foods, consuming good amounts of probiotics, vitamins, minerals and of course exercise 


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