Great Minds Drink Alike

Are you addicted to fizzy drinks? Here's what you need to know what it does to our body.
We grew up hearing that fizzy drinks destroy our health. But the teens today are living on these drinks. According to the UK Cancer Research: "British teens drinks about a bathtub of sugary drinks per year."

Drinks generally have two main ingredients that have an addictive impact. Let us get a  closer look to examine the contents that make us addicted to it.

High Sugar Content
High sugar content is the key ingredient to get you addicted to it. One simple container of a bubbly beverage like cola containing 12 oz contains 33 grams of added sugar.

Rats given high dosages of sugar in their diets revealed changes in the brain similar to those produced by cocaine, morphine, and nicotine, according to Bart Hoebel, a neuroscientist from Princeton University in the U.S

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends the maximum amount of added sugars we should consume in a day are:

Women:  25 grams or 6 teaspoons (i:e 100 calories per day)

Men:  37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons (i:e 150 calories per day)

Caffeine is the second addictive ingredient in soft drinks. It works as an additional energizer. Gradually you will develop tolerance to a small amount of caffeine consumed, making a need to gulp a higher amount of it to get a similar impact.

Why we should avoid consuming it
These carbonated drinks eat up the calcium of our bones making us weaker from inside and fatter from outside.
These fizzy drinks contain more added sugar than our daily need that results in severe diseases like type 2 diabetes that is the root cause of many other ailments like heart problems, higher cholesterol, amputations, and eye disorders  while consuming too many fizzy drinks can
  • deteriorate our brains by altering the proteins levels that could lead to premature Alzheimers. 
  • high sugary consumptions can lead to liver failure. 
  • speeds up the aging process and weaken the bones.
  • creates cardiovascular diseases.
  • can make us violent and hyperactive.
Still, have a desire to gulp something sweeter try fresh fruit juices, though it also contains fructose, Yet it will be easy to break it down for our body, but that would way much better than added sugars and caffeine that would kill us from inside. Or choose a better option like fresh milk that's easy and safe and enriched with calcium and minerals we lost having liters of drinks.


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