Living without cooking gas

We often disregard people or things while we have them. But their value is acknowledged when they are gone.

Before moving forward let me give you a better view of the scenario. A significant number of Pakistani people depends on Natural Gas that has a direct connection to our stoves and baking ovens.  However, all good things don't come free we have to pay a nominal charge for that. That was a super quick and brief intro for the ones who don't know how natural gas w

On Friday, 18 Jan 2019 I experienced one of the same kind of incident. Though it frequently came into my notice that the cooking gas goes off in many areas during winters due to massive use of gas heaters, geysers, and of course cooking. 

The lunch was getting prepared and all of a sudden boom! My mum asked me to check whether the stove is working or not as it was only a couple of months old. 

Life just came to a standstill. Food remained half-cooked geysers went off. Thanks to the online food delivery and our dear dhabbas to proving us with quick food and tea. Since we were in confusion as to when will it return?
It gave us a thought regarding how different humans in this diverse world are starving. Additionally, this influenced me to think that a lot of us experience it every day and a significant number of us are not in any case sufficiently appreciative.

Natural Gas is indeed a blessing otherwise it would be too pricey to afford electric heaters, hotplates, and geysers. Whereas its also not a good idea to use portable gas cylinders as they end quickly and refilling is another extra expense. 

Not having something is another sad story but getting a necessity seized after getting settled to it is something paralyzes you.  Because not everyday one can afford the food online. So these things frustrate a human for example not having the warmth in heater for patients, not being able to provide warm water to school going kids in the morning during winters.

So value people and things around you before they disappear, and you are left with only regrets.

Also please, brush off your thoughts that we have only illiteracy, bombs and beggars :p. that's not the case. Yes as a nation we struggled a lot against corruption and terrorism but on the other hand, we love humans around the world &  love to be loved. cheers :)  


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