What wikipedia can't tell you about kindness

The World Needs Kindness and Love as a life saving drugs

Yes, you read it right. We as a resident of this mortal world need to spread kindness, humility, love to everyone we interact with because we would never know what a great deal of impact our words might have on someone's soul already going through something tough.
But here I am talking about spreading kindness for our own selves. Let things go, detach yourself with years of negativity and torture. Every one of us is going through some rough trials. Since life is not perfect, we can’t be irritating all the time and emitting negative vibrations to other people around us. We don’t realize the mood swings we emit, have a chain effect on others in our surroundings that, however, continues somewhere sometime to someone.
But if we confront our life outbreaks as challenges, many of us might happily conquer their fight and also encourage others to regain their kingdom.
In our society, we face many types of inadequacy in kindness & humbleness that affect our lives unknowingly. From the beginning of the day till the end, we communicate with so many people around us. But the graph of respect, care and love varies according to our own benefits. We get so much respectful & caring to employers, doctors, and any outsider while we look down upon the cleaning staff, delivery guys, cab drivers and sometimes our own family. Following are some main reasons: 

1- Bullying/ragging
Bullying and Ragging are not just terms we hear in high schools or done just for enjoyment. These are some serious matters that should be highlighted in the beginning classes or even daycare centers to protect a child’s personality gifted by Almighty Allah. No other human being can care for your loved one just like you can for charging any penny.
The incompetent & psychologically unfit teachers are being hired just to cut the annual budget cost and are permitted to play with the kid’s future. They use fragile kids as their frustration outlet tool.
Then comes the classmates who judge every other kid by their caste, creed, gender, color, religion. And if the situation intensifies, they boycott them. That’s when the tender personality of a kid shatters from the fear of school, teachers, and classmates.
We must train our teachers not to ruin the future for a few bucks & also make our children realize the importance of equality. Only when a healthy society will grow up. Also, so we can save those sensitive souls that can’t take up so much distress and attempts to leave this world as soon as they could.

2- Humiliation
Humiliating someone can never be justified. As they say it, you can make a plant dead by constantly humiliating it.

Episodes and feelings of humiliation can both lead to severe psychological well-being issues. Anxiety and sadness are normal among individuals who have been encountered open humiliation, and extreme types of embarrassment can be devastating, making an individual their interests deserted or quit seeking after objectives or in worst case scenario suicidal thoughts or attempts were also observed.

3- Being Insensitive 
Speaking insensitively towards someone without realizing how harsh our words' impact someone’s heart. They might never let you know how they felt. But we broke their trust forever from humanity.
Instead of being rigid, let’s be kind and warm enough to give them room to grow and then let nature play its game.

4- Cruelty Animals 
A human not lovable to animals is not a complete human. We being humans are the best creation of God. But those tiny little creatures also need love and care. They only need a bowl of food and a pat of love. Sadly, what they get is only kicks, hateful comments and getting smashed from our cars.

5- Not Being Able to Cry
An urge to cry hard but not being able to be is also a sign of a dead soul. Unkindness might not be the only reason. Some of life’s bitter experiences and tragedies make people stone-hearted. Or might be a medical reason don't come to a final reason. Give yourself some Me-time.

Little Acts of kindness

  1. Feed the hungry/reach out the homeless
  2. Get a Pet
  3. Smile
  4. Donate for the departed ones and for own. 
  5. Often use of Thank You, Please & Sorry.
  6. Offer your help to others 
  7. Stay grounded, even the situation is against you
  8. Guide someone who’s lost. 
  9. Never fear of being judged  
  10. Forgive Everyone


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