Winter Hacks that are cuter than kittens 💕

As the change in climate is taking a drastic turn around the globe and so, our winters are just around the corner we can expect it to be more powerful than before. So, before winter approaches and hits us bad we must take OTC preventions beforehand.

Here is a detailed list of Do’s and Dont’s for this winter to get yourself more fit and healthy to enjoy nature’s beautiful gift to the core. We’ll also discuss some of the most common problems we face during this season that spoils the mood and aggravate into something big if left unattended.

Before we move towards our topic, I would appreciate it if you please give a little feedback about how this blog helped you in surviving these winters or at least you gained a bit of knowledge. This would help me bring better material and content for you guys. Also if you want me something to write about...  YOUR IDEAS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.
So let's just start.

Common problems we face during Winters 
As discussed earlier, these are that tiny issues almost every one of us faces because of our ignorant nature or might be busy schedules. But, if we take some necessary steps before winter knocks, we can not only combat these problems we can relish with friends and family. 

  1. Allergies
  2. Dry Skin
  3. Joint/ Muscle Pain 
  4. Food cravings causing weight gain

The following are some of the most ignored things we practice throughout our lives. Although we can achieve them while on the go. 
  1. Staying Hydrated: Consume as many fluids as you can like soups, broths, stews, fruit & vegetable juices. Fruits & veggies are rich in vitamin C that helps boost the immune system that fights back cold and flu and other diseases. Power-Packed soups & stews bring warmth and energy to our bodies in that sluggish weather. whereas nuts and dried fruits give an extra boost to your brain and cardiac health.
  2. Staying Moisturized:  Hydrating your skin is as important as hydrating your body. During winters we face a lot of skin/hair troubles due to lack of moisturizing. You can create your own customized moisturizer according to skin tones or buy it from any reputable store. 
  3. Maintaining Hygiene: Hygiene is vital all around the year. But becomes significant during winters. As we are prone to germs, and allergies more often in winter than in summer. We must use hand sanitizers and face more often. 

After getting through the things we must indulge ourselves. There are certain conditions we must avoid.
  1. Avoiding Depression: Winter brings a lot of happiness to many of us. But, there are many who feel grey in winters. To cope up with this we must forget the past that brings memories and always think about the best in the ming future. 
  2. Beating Food Cravings: Yes I do realize we love to eat during winters. But eating healthy in a normal range is ideal for our mind and body. But when our gut craves for chocolates, cheesy and fried stuff. We always have to control ourselves in order to control weight.

These cuties makes your winter more warm. 


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